A Season of Great Classical Music

Our World-Class Performers Bring Music to Life

Celebrate Music and Community

Gather to Revel in the Beauty

Our Kids are Our Future

We Empower them to Perform, Compose, and Listen to Music

Our Volunteers are the Best

Your Time. Your Talent. Your Treasure.

Check Out Our Upcoming Events

MIMYO Semester Start

January 13th 2025

Now enrolling for the spring semester of the Music in the Mountains Youth Orchestra. For more information email: [email protected]


Chorus Auditions

January 27th 5pm-7pm
Schedule an appointment for an audition today!

The Music in the Mountains chorus is an auditioned community chorus. To learn more to to schedule an audition email [email protected]


Musings with the Maestro - Dvorak

Wednesday, February 12th 7pm

Online Via Zoom – Registration is required. Pay-What-You-Choose

$10 Suggested Donation


Let’s Keep
Classical Music Alive

8 + 11 =

Thank you so much for wanting to keep the great music alive.

Unfortunately, we are currently having a software issue that prevents us from accepting either credit card or EFT donations.

We hope to have this solved shortly, and thank you for your understanding.

Signup for updates below